From a Green Dragon Dream

From a Green Dragon Dream

A place to learn about quilting and to share quilts.

21 January 2010

My First Quilt

Well my first quilt was maybe not even a quilt. I know I used to sew things together when I was very young so maybe this shouldn't be titled my first quilt but this is when I knew that I loved quilting. I was 17, my then boyfriend's sister announced she was going to have a baby and I thought, great I'll make her a quilt. We went shopping first. Big mistake but I had a lot of fabric and he didn't mind. so I laid out a picture of a bear that I had drawn, cut the pieces out of my other fabrics and just sewed them on. We layered it together with the most nasty big fluffy poly batting, sewed around the edge, turned it inside out and then tied it. I don't have a picture but I'm sure it was a mess, years later it was loved to only a thread so no one will ever know about all the mistakes.

Lesson #1 plan before you shop.
Lesson #2 if you want to make your first quilt, it's probably better to use a pattern and then follow the directions.
Lesson #3 the baby doesn't care and will love it anyway.

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